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Bootie Talk

Bootie Talk

One of our most frequently asked questions is “what booties should I get?” Below we lay out a few of the key factors that should go into the decision making process.


Most like ‘em thick. At least, Oregonians do. We’re talking at least 5mm for our coastline. If you’re heading for warmer waters, like central Cal, opt for a 3mm. 

Toe Shape (Round vs. Split Toe)

You can’t go wrong with a nice round booty. If you want your feet to feel more secure in the boot, try a split toe style.


The fit should feel similar to that of a sock -- snug, but not too snug. It may be tempting to go for a bigger booty at first, but keep in mind that it will soften/stretch the more you wear it in the water. 


Most people aren’t loyal to a certain brand. So long as the booty does what it’s supposed to do -- deliver comfort and warmth -- then you’re set.